German Engineers based in China.

StronG Together.

You have an Idea und and now you are looking for a technical partner for implementation ?

You already have a concept and want to benefit from a low-cost production in China ?

You are already selling own products and looking for optimisation ?  


Welcome to GTech Industries...

Flexible access.   Getting startet at any time.

GTech Industries supports you on any step of your value stream:

From your first idea to our united concept designing, over construc-tion and  prototypes manufac-turing, up to your own series pro-duction.

Getting startet at any time and safe your GTech competitive ad-vantage with excellent know-ledge of Chinese market con-ditions and a broad engineering know-how combined with Ger-man quality standards. 

No fear of piracy or plagiarism.

Customers trust GTech Industries. No fear of piracy or plagiarism when producing in China.

Your plans and ideas for develo-ping your own, new products are very welcome at GTech Industries and always treated confidently.

A new challenge to dependably realize your visions in China to your full satisfaction is GTech's daily target, concept for success and driving force.

Teamwork.                   Strong together.

Together with you, GTech Industries reliably turns your ideas and visions into reality and is constantly focused on the com-mon, consisting success.

With your participation and inte-gration in each process, you build a customer-oriented and unbeat-able team with GTech Industries.

A fair partnership cooperation based on a respectful, honest communication to customers and suppliers is a top priority of GTech Industries.

China: "factory of the world"

 - low material and procurement costs

 - low hourly rates of employees and machines

 - incomparable cooperation opportunities for Western companies


GTech provides high quality products at an excellent price-performance ratio.

Full of zest for action? Convince with your plans and apply for the GTech cooperation.




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